Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
5 | Yes | 2-201.11 Provide an employee health policy that states what actions are necessary when an employee has a specific symptom or diagnosis related to diseases that are transmissible through food. Communication of the policy to employees must be verifiable./ Verification of communication of a minimum required health policy to employees could not be provided (compliance measures established under previous violation of this requirement [signed health reporting agreements on file, posted policy] have not been maintained). |
4 | Yes | JCDH 2.2 Provide food safety training for all foodhandlers, within 21 days of hire, as required; keep documentation of current training for all employees readily available for inspection at all hours of operation./ The inspection history records that the establishment was informed on 15 DEC 2023 of resumption of foodhandler training requirements, and compliance was not demonstrated on inspection today. |
1 | No | ADPH 420-3-22-.08, 8-304.11 Post current permit in public view. Permit remains the property of JCDH.
5 | Yes | 3-501.16 (A)(2) Maintain TCS food at 41 F or below./ Air temperature of the top rail of the pizza make table cooler is reading minimum 45F-66F (PIC confirmed that unit was turned on longer than its listed 15-20 minute cool-down time); variety TCS pizza topping items holding on the top rail <2 hours and measuring 53F> were relocated to the WI cooler to rechill. Cease holding TCS food on the top rail of this unit until holding food at proper temperature. |
4 | Yes | 6-301.12 Provide paper towels at each handwashing sink./ Supply of paper towels at the handsink in the warewashing area was replenished during the inspection. |
2 | No | 6-202.15 Provide door sweep or weather stripping at the bottom of the rear service door to seal opening./ Missing door sweep has left an opening at the bottom of the door open to the exterior. |