Deducted | Remarks |
4 | JCDH 2.2 Provide food safety training for all foodhandlers, within 21 days of hire, as required; keep documentation of current training for all employees readily available for inspection at all hours of operation./ Food Safety Training Certificates for food employees on duty in the deli are not available. |
1 | 4-502.11 (C) Maintain ambient air thermometers to be accurate and in good repair./ The air temperature thermometer inside the refrigerated display case at the deli service counter is not working. |
5 | 5-203.14 Provide backflow prevention device at all faucets where a hose is used./ A hose is connected to the faucet below the 3-compartment sink with no backflow prevention device installed. The hose bibb vacuum breaker that was installed on this faucet as correction of previous violation of this requirement on 25 JUL 2023 has been removed: replace the hose bibb vacuum breaker and leave it installed on this faucet. |