Deducted | Remarks |
2 | 2-401.11 Store employee food and personal drinks in a designated area below and away from food, utensils, equipment, linens, and unwrapped single service/single use articles. // Employee uncovered drinking cup sitting above make table. |
1 | 3-307.11 Store raw animal foods with higher required cooking temperatures below those with lower required cooking temperatures. (preventive)// Eggs stored on bottom shelf under chicken and carnila meat. |
4 | 4-601.11(A) Clean equipment, food contact surfaces and utensils to sight and touch. (Interior of ice machine, ice bins, beverage nozzles, utensils in storage, etc.) // Meat slicer soiled with debris.// Knives on magnetic strip soiled with residue. |
1 | 5-203.13 Maintain access to service sink. // Mop sink is blocked. |
1 | 6-501.14 Clean air ducts and clean/change ventilation hood filters to prevent contamination by dust, dirt, etc. // Air ducts soiled with dust.// Hood is soiled with grease and grime. |