Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
4 | Yes | 3-501.15 (A) Use rapid cooling equipment (i.e. blast chillers, freezers) or an ice bath to cool food.///Items in make table at 51F (sliced tomatos and lettuce). COS
4-301.11 Provide enough equipment to maintain all hot-held TCS food at 135 F or above.///3 containers of food in hot holding unit at 125F. COS. |
1 | No | 3-302.12 Label all food or ingredients that are not in the original package with the common name of the food (Except for unmistakably recognized food such as dry pasta) ///(1)White bin by ice machine not labeled with contents. (2) Label sauce bottles that are not in original container. |
4 | Yes | . |
1 | No | 4-501.12 Resurface or discard cutting blocks and boards that are subject to scratching and scoring if they can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized///All cutting boards need to be replaced.
4-501.11(B) Maintain components such as equipment doors, gaskets, etc., in good condition.///(1) RI silver freezer gaskets, all make table gaskets and make table cooler are damaged or highly soiled. |
1 | No | 4-901.11 Ensure that utensils have been air dried before polishing with a clean, dry cloth.///Plastic cups by fountain drink machine stacked wet. |
1 | No | 6-501.14 Clean air ducts and clean/change ventilation hood filters to prevent contamination by dust, dirt, etc.///Hood vents have grease build up visible.
6-501.14 Clean restroom exhaust vent cover.///Both restroom vents have accumulation of dust. |