Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
5 | Yes | 3-501.16(A)(1) Maintain TCS food at 135 F or above. Internal temperature of pans of TCS food stored in the warming cabinet ranged from (113F-117F). TCS food out of temperature was voluntarily discarded at this time. |
1 | No | 3-302.12 Label all food or ingredients that are not in the original package with the common name of the food (Except for unmistakably recognized food such as dry pasta) The storage bins containing various types of spices are not labeled. |
1 | No | 3-305.11 Store food at least 6 inches above the floor. Stockpots of (uncovered) food are stored on the floor. |
1 | No | 3-304.12 Provide a utensil with a handle for serving or dispensing food or ice. Plastic bowls used as scoops are stored in the spice containers. |
1 | No | 4-202.16 Provide smooth, easily cleanable nonfood contact surfaces (damaged gaskets on RI units, ice machines, chest freezer lids, damaged shelving, etc.). The right-side door gasket is torn (prep cooler). |
1 | No | 4-501.11 Maintain dishwashing equipment in a state of good repair and condition to allow for intended operation. (ex: broken release valve or no stoppers, missing baffle curtain on dishwasher, etc.) The faucet leaks (warewashing sink). |
5 | Yes | 5-203.14 Provide backflow prevention device at all faucets where a hose is used. The hose is directly attached to the faucet. The hose was removed at this time and placed on the faucet that has a backflow attached. |
1 | No | 5-501.17 Provide a covered receptacle for sanitary napkins in a toilet room used by females. The lids on both receptacles stored in the stalls are facing upward. |
5 | Yes | 7-202.12 Use toxic items according to the law, the Food Code, and manufacturer’s directions. The chlorine concentration stored in the bucket for the wiping cloths & in the final rinse for the warewashing sink is toxic. (>200ppm). The bucket for the wiping cloths & the final rinse in the 3-comp sink were drained. |