Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
1 | No | 3-302.11 Store food wrapped, in packages or in covered containers to prevent contamination. // Reach in refridgeration units with unprotected food, such as raw meats and open hashbrown containers.
3-307.11 Store raw animal foods with higher required cooking temperatures below those with lower required cooking temperatures. (preventive) // Raw chicken and steak stored on same shelf. |
4 | Yes | 4-601.11(A) Clean equipment, food contact surfaces and utensils to sight and touch. (Interior of ice machine, ice bins, beverage nozzles, utensils in storage, etc.) // Ice machine with accumulation of black residue on interior. |
1 | No | 4-601.11(C) Keep nonfood contact surfaces of equipment (interiors of refrigeration units and cooking equipment, exteriors of equipment, storage shelves, etc.) free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. // Interiors of reach in units with accumulation of food residue and grime. Cabinet underneath drink fountain and coffee pot machine with heavy accumulation of food residue and grime on interior of door and surrounding surfaces. |
1 | No | 5-205.15(B) Repair condensate leak in refrigeration units. // Walk in freezer with active dripping condensate from fan. |