Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
1 | No | ADPH 420-3-22-.08, 8-304.11 Post current permit in public view. Permit remains the property of JCDH. |
5 | Yes | 3-501.16(A)(1) Maintain TCS food at 135 F or above.// Wings in fryer at 86F. COS- employee discarded. Wings in pan at 118F. COS- employee reheated wings to 165F. |
5 | Yes | 3-501.16 (A)(2) Maintain TCS food at 41 F or below.// Raw chicken left out at room temperature at 49-52F. COS- employee put chicken back in cooler. |
4 | Yes | 3-401.14 (F) Provide prior approval of written procedures from JCDH for non-continuous cooking of raw animal foods as required.// Employees are parcooking wings without approved written procedures. |
1 | No | 3-304.12 Store utensils left inside ice machines and closable containers of non-TCS foods with handles above the top of the food or ice.// Handles for scoops touching sauce, sugar, and flour. |
4 | Yes | 4-601.11(A) Clean equipment, food contact surfaces and utensils to sight and touch. (Interior of ice machine, ice bins, beverage nozzles, utensils in storage, etc.)// Can opener blade heavily soiled with residue. |
1 | No | 4-601.11(C) Keep nonfood contact surfaces of equipment (interiors of refrigeration units and cooking equipment, exteriors of equipment, storage shelves, etc.) free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. 4-602.13 Clean non-food contact surfaces of equipment as often as necessary to prevent accumulation of residue.// Non-food contact surfaces of equipment throughout facility soiled with residue. |
1 | No | 4-501.11 Provide stoppers for each sink compartment for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing.// Facility is stopping drain with paper towels and gloves. |
1 | No | 3-304.14 Store wet wiping cloths in the appropriate sanitizing solution when they are between uses.// Damp cloths sitting out on surfaces in prep area. |
4 | Yes | 5-205.11 Cease using hand sinks for any purpose other than handwashing.// Employee using hand sink to rinse tubs. |