Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
5 | Yes | 2-201.11 Provide an employee health policy that states what actions are necessary when an employee has a specific symptom or diagnosis related to diseases that are transmissible through food. Communication of the policy to employees must be verifiable./ Verification of communication of a minimum required health policy to employees could not be provided. The permitholder shall inform employees, and persons to whom a job offer is made (conditional employees), in a verifiable manner (flyer, signed agreement, etc.) of their responsibility to report information about their health (i.e. diarrhea, vomiting, or diagnosed with a foodborne illness) as they relate to diseases that are transmissible through food. |
4 | Yes | JCDH 2.2 Provide food safety training for all foodhandlers, within 21 days of hire, as required; keep documentation of current training for all employees readily available for inspection at all hours of operation./ Documentation of food safety training for employees could not be provided. |
2 | No | 2-303.11 Cease wearing jewelry on the arms and hands (other than a plain ring) while preparing food./ One of the grill cooks was wearing a bracelet. |
5 | Yes | 3-501.16 (A)(2) Maintain TCS food at 41 F or below./ Air temperature of the pie cooler adjacent to the long bar reading minimum 50F; milk, chocolate milk, and half & half stored in the cooler >2 hours and measuring 52F-59F were voluntarily discarded. Cease storing TCS food in this cooler until holding food at proper temperature. |
4 | Yes | 4-601.11(A) Clean equipment, food contact surfaces and utensils to sight and touch./ Egg mixing spoons stored in a caddy ready-to-use at the grill were soiled with accumulated, dried food residues and particles: all were removed during the inspection to the dishpit for proper cleaning. Pre-rinse or soak utensils before washing to loosen food residues; rewash any item with residue detectable to sight or touch after washing in the dishmachine and before restocking ready-to-use. |
1 | No | 4-204.112 Provide appropriate, readily accessible thermometers for all coolers./ An air temperature thermometer could not be located inside the bacon and sausage cooler. |
1 | No | 6-202.14 Provide tight fitting and self-closing doors on restrooms./ Repair or replace the closer on the men's restroom door to fully self-close the door. |