Deducted | Remarks |
4 | 3-501.17(A) Properly date mark all TCS food prepared in-house, when held for more than 24 hours, with the preparation date and date of discard—not to exceed 7 days including the date of preparation.//Cooked Beans and Chili stored in WI Cooler without a date mark. |
1 | 3-501.13 Cease thawing TCS food at room temperature.//Fish and Chicken thawing in standing water in three compartment sink.//3-501.13 Thaw TCS food: 1) under refrigeration at 41 F or lower; 2) completely submerged under running water at 70 F or below; 3) as part of the cooking process; or, 4) if for immediate cooking, in the microwave. |
1 | 3-305.11 Store food at least 6 inches above the floor.//Boxes of raw chicken on floor in WI Cooler. |
1 | 4-602.13 Clean non-food contact surfaces of equipment as often as necessary to prevent accumulation of residue.//4-601.11(C) Keep nonfood contact surfaces of equipment (interiors of refrigeration units and cooking equipment, exteriors of equipment, storage shelves, etc.) free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.//Clean ice shield inside ice machine to remove mold residue. |
1 | 4-101.11(B-E) Provide food contact surfaces that are: durable; corrosion resistant; non-absorbent; smooth; easily cleanable; resistant to chipping, scratching, distortion and decomposition.//4-101.19 Provide corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material for nonfood-contact of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or food soil.//Replace food storage bins use for raw chicken and fish.//Food storage bins are not cleanable. |
1 | 5-501.113 Keep dumpster doors and lids closed.//Replace Damaged/Missing top dumpster lid. |
1 | 6-501.14 Clean air ducts and clean/change ventilation hood filters to prevent contamination by dust, dirt, etc. //Clean ventilation hood vents filters//Clean air ducts vents in dry storage to remove dust build-up. |