Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
1 | No | ADPH 420-3-22-.08, 8-304.11 Post current permit in public view. Permit remains the property of JCDH. .//No permit posted for public view.
4 | Yes | 4-302.14 Provide an appropriate chemical test kit that accurately measures the concentration of sanitizing solutions. // No chemical test strips provided for 3 comp sink.
4-203.11 Provide food temperature measuring devices that are accurate to + or - 2 degrees F.// No thermometer in facility. |
1 | No | 4-602.12 Clean interiors and door seals of microwaves at least every 24 hours. // Two microwaves soiled with residue in kitchen area.
1 | No | 4-204.112 Provide appropriate, readily accessible thermometers for all make tables, coolers and hot holding units. // Provide a thermometter for RI cooler in prep area and RI cooler in dining area holding yogurt. |
1 | No | 4-903.11 Store single service and single-use articles at least 6 inches above the floor. // Box of foam cups and single use cups sitting on the floor.
4-904.11 Store unwrapped single-service utensils so that only the handles are touched. Forks, spoons, and knives are upright. |
4 | Yes | 6-301.12 Provide paper towels or a continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel at each handwashing sink or group of adjacent sinks.// No paper towels at handsink in kitchen area. |
1 | No | 5-501.115 Clean the refuse storage area as often as necessary to maintain cleanliness.// Dumpster pad is soiled with residue and debris. //Behind dumpster pad soiled with debris and damaged equipment. |
1 | No | 6-501.114 Maintain premises free of items that are unnecessary to the operation or maintenance of the establishment, such as equipment that is nonfunctional or no longer used. // PIC states there are items such as the microwave they no longer use in the kitchen area, as well as, non functional equipment around dumpster pad |