Deducted | Critical | Remarks |
4 | Yes | JCDH 2.2 Provide food safety training for all food handlers as required.// Not all employees have food safety training. |
2 | No | 2-401.11 Store employee food and personal drinks in a designated area below and away from food, utensils, equipment, linens, and unwrapped single service/single use articles.// Employee items stored in walk-in above and beside food. Employee items stored on shelf above make area. |
1 | No | ADPH 420-3-22-.08, 8-304.11 Post current permit in public view. Permit remains the property of JCDH.// Permit is not posted for public view.
ADPH 420-3-22-.08, 8-403.50 Post current inspection report in a conspicuous place inside the food establishment. Report remains the property of JCDH.// Last inspection report is not posted for publc view. |
5 | Yes | 3-501.16(A)(1) Maintain TCS food at 135 F or above.// Rice from yesterday in rice cooker at 70F. COS- PIC voluntarily discarded. Cheese sauce in crockpot at 89F. COS- PIC reheated to 165F. |
1 | No | 3-307.11 Store raw animal products below and away from produce and ready to eat foods. (preventive)// Raw fish, poultry, and meat stored on shelf above onion and other vegetables.
3-302.11 Store food wrapped, in packages or in covered containers to prevent contamination.// Raw meat, fish, and poultry stored in walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer in containers without coverings. Raw meat stored in reach-in freezer without wrapping or container. |
1 | No | 3-304.12 Store scoops left in TCS foods with handles above the top of the food of the container.// Tongs stored in container of chicken with handle touching the food. |
4 | Yes | 4-302.12 Provide appropriate, readily accessible thermometer for verifying internal food temperatures.
4-302.13 (A) Provide a readily accessible thermometer for manual warewashing to measure washing and sanitizing temperatures.// Facility does not have a working thermometer. |
1 | No | 4-601.11(C) Keep nonfood contact surfaces of equipment (interiors of refrigeration units and cooking equipment, exteriors of equipment, storage shelves, etc.) free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris.
4-602.13 Clean non-food contact surfaces of equipment as often as necessary to prevent accumulation of residue.// Non-food contact surfaces throughout facility, like equipment, shelving, outside of food containers, etc soiled with residue. |
1 | No | 4-501.11(B) Maintain components such as equipment doors, gaskets, etc., in good condition.// Reach-in freezer has a makeshift lid out of particle board.
4-102.11(A)(2) (B)(2) Use only clean, food-grade materials for single-service articles.// Grocery bags used to store meat in walk-in cooler. |
1 | No | 3-304.14 Store wet wiping cloths in the appropriate sanitizing solution when they are between uses.// Sanitizer solution for small container of wiping cloths is improperly prepared with detergent and oven cleaner.
3-304.14 Change the sanitizing solution for wiping cloths when visibly soiled.// Large bucket of wiping cloths is filled with old, soured water solution. |