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NOTICE: Food Safety Training for 2025 will be THURSDAYS at 9AM and 2PM.

Substance Use Disorder

What is Substance Use Disorder?

Substance use disorder is defined as having two or more of the following symptoms during a twelve month time frame:
  • Withdrawal
  • Tolerance
  • Substance taken for a longer time or in greater amounts than intended
  • Efforts to reduce or control use do not work
  • Much time spent trying to obtain the substance
  • Strong cravings to use the substance
  • Continued use despite problems caused by the substance
  • Repeated use in physically dangerous situations
  • Repeated relationship problems
  • Failure to meet obligations
  • Social, hobbies, or work activities given up or reduced

It is important to remember that a substance use disorder can also lead to a serious substance induced mental disorder such as anxiety, depression, or psychosis. Currently in Alabama the top three substances that lead to mental health facility admissions are controlled prescription drugs, marijuana, and methamphetamine.

If you feel like the above symptoms relate to you or your family member, please check out our recovery resources page to find help and various treatment options.

What Substances are Misused?

There are many different classes of drugs and substances that can be associated with an addiction or a substance use disorder. A few of these include tobacco, cannabis (marijuana), hallucinogens (LSD, etc.), alcohol, caffeine, hypnotics, inhalants, opioids, sedatives, stimulants and other unknown classes of substances. Alcohol is the most widely used out of the above substances. However, marijuana is ranked as the most commonly used illicit drug and the most prevalent cause of substance use disorder for people above the age of twelve.

Specific Substance Information:


Cannabis (marijuana)






Illegal Stimulants





Resources for Parents:

Educating your teens and young adults about substance use and the dangers that come along with this disease is important. Please check out the resources below to learn more about how to start a conversation with your kids, the substances available today, and what to do if you think your child may be struggling with substance use.
NOTICE:  Payment is expected at time of visit. Click here to learn more.
Central Health Center
(Guy M. Tate)

1400 Sixth Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
(205) 588-5234

(205) 933-9110
Eastern Health Center
601 West Blvd Roebuck
Birmingham, AL 35206
Programs and Clinics
(205) 588-5234
Western Health Center
631 Bessemer Super Hwy
Midfield, AL 35228
Programs and Clinics
(205) 588-5234
Hours of Operation:
All Centers are open 7:45am to 4:30pm. Phone lines for clinic appointments open at 7:00am Monday through Friday.

If this is a Medical Emergency call 911.
If you are a patient and need to reach your health care team after business hours for non-life threatening conditions, call (205) 588-5234.

Copyright © 2025 Jefferson County Department of Health